Tuesday 15 April 2014

Waterproof coatings - NeverWet

Whilst looking at waterproof materials I have also started to look at waterproof coatings for products to help us when we create our product as we hope to make it waterproof, I have come across a company called NeverWet.

NeverWet is a company who dedicate their time to identifying, inventing and commercializing nanotechnologies in order to solve critical problems. 

They have created a range of hydrophobic coating that repel water and heavy oils. To be used an object is coated with NeverWet coating. Any liquid that is placed onto the coating is repelled and falls off without touching the surface underneath.

In the link I have provided below they show water falling off material that is coated with NeverWet, I think it looks amazing and like magic! This is a great coating for any product that wants to be waterproof.


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