Wednesday 30 April 2014

Packing Boxes Double as Furniture

This example is perfect for emphasising the flat pack style, as well as having two functions! This intriguing design can function as a cardboard box, making it perfect for moving and transporting large quantities, as well as turning into chairs and bedside tables.
“Move is a packing box which can be folded and reused as furniture once it is unpacked,” says designer Janine Perkuhn. “Re-usage and eco-material make Move sustainable and inexpensive at the same time. Corrugated cardboard is bio-degradable, 100% recyclable and yet extremely stable.”

Again, with simple instructions, they are easy to assemble and can be made into different shapes and sizes, making them both functional in a variety of ways, and perfect for emphasising our space saving concept.

Urbanist (2014). 15 Flat-Pack Furniture Designs & Ideas for Saving Space. Retrieved from

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