Wednesday 30 April 2014

Making Speakers

The tutorial found explained the process of making three-dimensional paper speakers yet the technology explained is the same as for a flat speaker. Slight changes would be made to the instructions given to give the speaker that we would want.

1.     Make a copper wire coil a little bit bigger than the diameter of your magnet.”
2.     Position the magnet above the coil. “The magnet must be placed in the center of the wire coil.”
3.     Attach “the 2 coil wires to the audio jack wires. It does not matter which way they are connected.”

An important factor identified when reading the tutorial was the need for the magnet to remain still in the same place. In the making of the speaker, a “bracket” was created to “hold the magnet” in a constant position. A paper clip was pulled straight and taped onto card. The magnet was then taped to the back of this bracket. The bracket is the part of the speaker that “resists the vibrations” from the magnet.

The tutorial presented an understandable method that we will refer to when sampling the speaker technology. It is clear that we need to consider the placement of the magnet in our design and how this will effect both the aesthetic created and our pop-up structures.

Guchiwoochi, . (n.d). Instructables. Retrieved from

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