Saturday 26 April 2014

Accouphene tuxedo

Vincent Leclerc and Joanna Berzowska have developed a jacket named the “Accouphene tuxedo”. The decorative garment has “13 soft speakers” which are embroidered in coils using “conductive yarns”. These coils are “connected to a central circuit” that then “sends pulses of energy through the coils”. Inside of the sleeve of the design lies a magnet that once “moved over the coils” creates a “3D sonic environment around the human body” and therefore a sound. This sound can be controlled through the “twisting and compression of the cloth”.

This technology mirrors that of conventional speakers. A “weak magnetic field” is created that reacts with a “strong magnet positioned” close to the fabric. The “amplitude” of the sound differs due the strength of the magnet and its distance away from the embroidered coils. The jacket can therefore “play different notes”.

Berzowska, J. & Leclerc, V. (2006). accouphene. Retrieved from

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