Thursday, 24 April 2014

Questionnaire about camping at a music festival

As well as asking a camper who had been to a music festival what they had taken/already had and what they would take next time if they were to go again I also asked them questions about their items that they took.

Q. Did you take batteries for your torch?
A. No I knew they would last.

Q. Were your speakers waterproof?
A. No, they didn't get wet though.

Q. Where did you keep them?
A. They were in my tent and it's waterproof.

Q. Did it rain much?
A. It rained all the time and there was a storm.

Q. Would it have been more beneficial if they had been waterproof?
A. Yes it gives greater protection and because you camp in grass it was hard to put it outside as the grass was wet.

Q. Would they be better if they were flat pack to take up less room?
A. They were pretty small but an awkward shape, flat pack would be ingenious as it saves room and is lighter.

Q. How much would you be willing to spend on a pair of waterproof flat pack speakers to take with you to camping?
A. Around £15 - £20, definitely no more.

Q. What is your opinion on flat pack equipment/items?

A. Brilliant, I have a flat pack stove and it saves so much room.

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