Thursday 1 May 2014

Origami, Recycled, Foldable Speakers

"Origami is about more than creative napkin folding. And listening to music is about more than bulky speakers. A Chicago company call it 'OrigAudio' - a foldable, self powered speaker made from recycled paper."

This is a great example of what we want to achieve. The speakers are completely recyclable, easily portable and come in 5 designs, or alternatively you can create your own design. They are only 1 watt, which will not create the loudest of sounds, but they are great for space saving and are easily portable and simple to assemble. They are not only functional, but decorative and portable, all of which we would want to aim with our own design.

treehugger (2009). This Origami Sounds Good: Recycled, Foldable Speakers. Retrieved from

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